Ok since I'm going to attempt to see Kylesa twice, possibly three times this week I figure I should post one album for each attempt. I'm dying to see how the fuck they're gonna fit 2 drumsets and all those amps into the asshole of the death that is the Charleston's basement. This is gonna be fucking hysterial to behold.
Anyways, Kylesa's pretty hard to pinpoint but it roughly falls under the category of super heavy doom/sludge with hardcore/punk influences. Aka it's good old fashioned heavy as fuck metal played by dudes formerly in grindcore bands with 2 drummers and 3 vocalists (2 male 1 female). All bases covered.
Kylesa - Kylesa, To Walk a Middle Course, Time Will Fuse Its Worth
whoa, these guys are awesome.
hey, do you have any wolves in the throne room you could throw on here? I seriously need to get diadem of 12 stars.
yeah I got some, only on vinyl though. I'll see what I can do to up it.
Kylesa is fucking great.
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