I met the guitar player for this band at the Skeletonwitch/Cannabis Corpse show a few weeks back. He threw me the cd and was a generally nice dude (even if he was from MA. We all have our faults.) I just found it in my bag a few days ago and took a listen. Not bad, not bad at all. Good old fashioned thrashy shit played by not old people. Actually, it's pretty fucking catchy. I'll post the album artwork later, I don't got a scanner on me right now.
Led to the Grave
dude, mass is awesome.
Dude, nah.
hey man, thats cool shit. I just found this page. Im the Masshole who gave you that disc. THRASH!!!
Gnarly man, stoked you found the page. Solid album.
"even if he was from MA."
You're a faggot with bad taste in music.
"even if he was from MA."
You're a faggot with bad taste in music."
FUCKING FINALLY! Good god, how long has it taken you fuckers to learn that abuse is the only language I speak.
What's worse? A faggot with bad taste in music or a douchebag so bored with his pathetic life that all he has to do is read AND COMMENT a blog written by a faggot with bad taste in music.
"This song's called, 'What's a matter faggot, ya don't like girls?'" - The Pygmy Shrews.
I totally forgot a few connector words in there. Grammar's few suckers.
mass sucks, but led to the grave totally shreds!
"mass sucks, but led to the grave totally shreds!"
S'what I'm sayin man!
Led to the Grave
Those are my buddies!!!
They're absolutely fucking brutal live! I see them every chance I get when I'm not fucking slaving away my life at work!
-Timmy Gunz
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